July 4, 2009 journal, some are waving the American flags higher than ever trying to get some stimulus money while California passes out $3 billion in IOUs to their suppliers. There will be plenty of fireworks left for the Independence Day celebration and besides, North Korea is setting off some of their own. General Motors suppliers furnishing them auto parts and made right there in Detroit cannot get paid even with the bailout money. This House of Cards is about to collapse totally because suppliers are being bankrupted. It is as though General Motors is not intended to continue production of automobiles and if so they would pay their suppliers to keep them in business so they could start back up. All of sudden the news of the California IOUs have stopped being reported on television. The media conspiracy does not want the public to know our sorry state of financial affairs. Gaffney South Carolina now has a serial killer on their hands on scenic East Highway 11. Four people have been killed and one more shot within the last 6 days in City or County. Most people setting off the fireworks do not really know what freedom means and they do not know how our constitutional freedoms have been eroded over the past recent years. The Statue of Liberty reopens today after 9 years of being closed after their attack upon America. The statue faces east toward France being given to U.S. by French Mason's in 1885 with a torch which was replaced some years ago by just a light as Ronald Reagan declared that the light shall always burn. A bunch of soldiers will ascend to the top this morning when it opens and be declared U.S. citizens. Does it mean what is inscribed? Our Constitution is being dismantled daily as most of our liberties are being denied. We have become a police state 1st-class. Public Radio announced that City, County & state patrolmen will be out in full force over the 4th of July with roadblocks in trying to catch people drunk and driving. The state licenses alcohol to be sold then has an industry of catching them drunk. This state along with a dozen more have a law to imprison a driver for 30 days for exceeding any speed limit even the first time. Anyone at the DMV can finger or flag any driver for any reason and deny them constitutional "driving privileges". The U.S. Constitution has become a joke in this country and it is forbidden in our courts. They are showing the Washington Monument which is not a symbol of any freedom or independence, it is a manifestation of freemasonry, an obelisk to secret power & debt of the great conspiracy leading to the new world order with one government & one religion. The United States currency in a major conspiracy was given away by Congress in 1913 to the International Russian Khazar Zionist interpreted to mean the Rothschild dynasty and the Rockefeller Empire being the people without a homeland so they made the U.S. their land. The Federal Reserve is not at all federal but is a mystery of Babylon the Great Big Apple of sorcery and diversion pulling off the biggest bank robbery in history in terms of the bailout and then the stimulus. The Bailout money all went to the banks of course but has made no difference in the decline of the American economy and in much of the world. The soon coming h*a*te crimes bill will put the U.S.A. under constant scrutiny in every household that is to be fingered for thinking or saying anything bad about unnatural and God forbidden activities contrary to human nature and truth. They talk about Antichrist while failing to see the Antichrist activities in the news media, Wall Street, in the banks and the black cloud over Washington D.C. subject to foreign control starting with the banking industry of the Rothschild dynasty that controls the bulk of the world already. I will not celebrate this phony independence but look for true Liberty and peace with the Lord God Almighty knowing it will not be long before the real truth is known and end.